By Happiness Silivester Masatu

Empowering secondary school girls in Dodoma Region through sanitary pad distribution is a crucial initiative aimed at addressing menstrual hygiene management (MHM) challenges and promoting girls’ education. Menstrual hygiene remains a significant barrier to girls’ education in many parts of the world, including Dodoma Region, where access to sanitary pads is limited, leading to absenteeism and dropouts among girls. This proposal outlines a comprehensive plan to distribute sanitary pads to secondary school girls in Dodoma Region, thereby empowering them to stay in school and pursue their education.

Various initiatives have been implemented by governmental bodies and other relevant stakeholders, such as the Campaign for Female Education (CAMFED), African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF), Tanzania Youth Alliance (TAYOA), Population Services International (PSI), and FEMINA, to enhancing menstrual hygiene management for girl students in Tanzania. These programs encompass activities such as raising awareness among female students regarding the management of menstrual hygiene, delivering reproductive health education, and supplying sanitary pads to adolescent females.

Despite the implementation of many efforts, Tanzania exhibits a subpar performance in terms of knowledge, attitude, and behavior regarding menstrual hygiene management, with discernible disparities observed between rural and urban regions. This is due to insufficient provision of hygiene products, access to clean water, sanitation facilities, and particularly within educational institutions, which have a detrimental effect on the management of menstruation among adolescent girls.

Conduct Needs Assessment of six Schools in Dodoma region: Begin with a comprehensive needs assessment to understand the specific challenges faced by girls regarding menstrual hygiene management in Dodoma Region.

Below is a table of findings from a research done in year 2023.

Proposal :
Empowering Secondary School Girls in Dodoma Region Through Sanitary  Pad Distribution
Result AreasUnit# Unit Unit RateUnit# Unit Amount (TZS)
Activity 1.1 Conduct  a comprehensive needs assessment to understand the specific challenges faced by girls regarding menstrual hygiene management in Dodoma Region
ParticipantsAllowance Pts          5  100,000.00days6                   3,000,000.00
Meals and refreshments Pts          5    20,000.00days6                     600,000.00
Stationaries Pts        10      4,000.00days6                     240,000.00
Contigency Pts          1  500,000.00days1                     500,000.00
Car Hire Pts          1  300,000.00days6                   1,800,000.00
Sub total                        6,140,000.00
 Activity 2.1 Distribution of Sanitary Pads to selected Secondary School in Dodoma region
Procurement of Sanitary padsPts  3,035           3,000    days     12                  109,260,000.00
Transport and logisticsBOX      80           5,000    days       1                        400,000.00
    Car Hirepts        1        300,000    days       6                      1,800,000.00
    Hygene Education  workshopstudents        5        100,000    days       6                      3,000,000.00
    Meals and refreshmentsPst      10         30,000    days       6                      1,800,000.00
   ContigencyPst        1        500,000    days       1                        500,000.00
   Media peoplePst        5         50,000    days       6                      1,500,000.00
   Facilitation feepts        1        200,000    days       6                      1,200,000.00
  Photer & videopts        2        200,000    days       6                      2,400,000.00
Facilitation transportpts        1        100,000    days       6                        600,000.00
Subtotal                    122,460,000.00
Moniotoring and Evaluation:monitoring and evaluation framework to track the distribution process’s effectiveness and impact on girls’ attendance, academic performance, and overall well-being
Participanta AllowancePts          5  100,000.00days6                   3,000,000.00
Venuevenue          1  200,000.00days2                     400,000.00
StationeryPts        10      4,000.00days2                       80,000.00
ContogencyPts          1  500,000.00days1                     500,000.00
        Car HirePts          1  300,000.00days6                   1,800,000.00
Sub-total                        5,780,000.00
Sub total Monitoring Activities                    134,380,000.00
GRAND TOTAL               134,380,000.00

Hence, empowering secondary school girls in Dodoma Region through pad distribution is a vital step towards promoting gender equality in education and improving girls’ overall well-being. By providing access to sanitary pads and menstrual hygiene education, we can empower girls to stay in school, achieve their academic potential, and contribute positively to their communities. This proposal outlines a strategic plan to implement this initiative effectively, but its success depends on collaborative efforts and support from all stakeholders involved.

Support girls, support mankind, at MBS we say, Kindness is the Greatest!

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